How To Turn Well Made Plans Into Action

Erin2-redshoes-quoteThis is one of my favourite quotes; it reminds me of the importance of action. As a Mumpreneur with 10 years of practical business experience I know the dangers of a well-made plan. The perfectionist in me finds it difficult to let go, even now it’s still tempting to hide behind my computer screen, planning each detail of my next business move meticulously.  I want to know everything, learn everything, and prepare for every possible eventuality. It got to the point in the past where I have found myself planning to make more plans!

Having a clear direction and a pathway to reach your goal is important but too much planning can be detrimental. Firstly it can waste valuable time, as a Mumpreneur your time is precious and any moments saved could be spent with your children. 

Secondly, planning can be a subconscious method to delay action. It can be scary taking active steps towards your goal, the closer you get to success the closer you also get to your fear of failure. You can’t fail while you’re still in the planning phase and this is what holds many potential Mumpreneurs back from their full potential.

So here are my top tips for turning plans into action…

  • Be brave

You need to face the fears that could be holding you back. If you keep planning and thinking of more things you need to do before you take action you are probably avoiding something. Take some time to reflect on what you are actually afraid of. Admitting these fears to yourself is your first step to overcome them. Once you understand what is subconsciously holding you back you can address it.

For example, if you are worried about what your friends and family will say then take the plunge and post a link to Facebook sharing your plans with the world or change your profile to say “Self Employed.” This may fill you with anxiety but once you have done it and faced your fear it will seem a lot less scary. In this case you are also now accountable; you have set yourself up as a Mumpreneur so now you have to talk the talk.

  • Take the first step

You may have planned for world domination and there is absolutely nothing saying you can’t achieve your long term dream goals but every successful business started somewhere and usually in a very modest place. As long as you ensure that you are taking active steps in the right direction you will always be getting closer to the big goal. It is helpful to scatter your plans with milestones that you are able to reach quickly. It could be your business cards ordered or posting on Twitter every day, no matter how small the action it still counts as action and is more productive than writing 1000 to do lists.

Set yourself a target of at least one bold action a day. There will be many days when you achieve many more but even on slower or family days you can still be making headway and building your dream; step by step.

  • Stay motivated

It’s of paramount importance that you keep focused on why you’re making your business plans in the first place. Many Mumpreneurs are keen to create a work/life balance where they can put their children’s needs first without having to ask a boss for permission to have time off for school plays or sick children. That cannot be your only motivation though; your chosen business industry should be a reflection of your skills, knowledge and passion. When you feel excited about your business venture you will be naturally motivated and more likely to take bold action towards success.

It is easy at the beginning to stay on task but as time goes on and your plans start becoming potential reality the day to day grind and juggling act combined with fears of failure can feel overwhelming. Never forget though, you are in control. You can make a choice to focus on the negative emotions or to draw your attention to the positives. The best way to do this is by remembering the “why.”

Make a vision board and hang it somewhere you will see it often. Another idea is to put inspirational quotes around your house or on your screen savers. It’s also important to allow yourself adequate relaxation and family time especially if they are part of your motivation. 

Surround yourself with positive inspirational people, this can be hard when you’re a Mumpreneur because the nature of being a self-employed mum is that you’re often working from home, busy juggling family and work life instantaneously. This is why I highly recommend networking with others who are in the same position as you. Luckily these days you don’t even have to be in the same neighbourhood to make connections. You can find meaningful and motivating Mumpreneurs using online networking forums, you just need to know where to look.

A great place to start is my Facebook group, set up for people like you to connect and inspire each other. Click on this link to join

I can’t recommend enough finding a mentor who can guide you and keep you inspired to action.  I know I have found that an absolute must, especially the days when I have wanted to throw in the towel.  Having someone who has been where you are helps navigate the mind field of bringing up a business with kids!

If you want to see if working 1:1 or in a group setting with a coach (from the comfort of your own home) is for you jump on a free strategy call now.  I offer personalised support and will endeavour to keep you motivated every step of the way.   Don’t plan, take action 😉

To Your Success

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