Dealing with Negative Nellies

At one time or another, we have to deal with negative influences.  You know the people…the ones that are discouraging you from your ultimate goal.

Here are a few ways to deal with “negative nellies” in a positive manner.  The important thing to remember is that your attackers are acting negative and hostile because they are jealous and attempting to destroy someone else’s somehow makes themselves feel better.  Their actions are more about THEM than about YOU.


Sometimes people that arePerson-Interrupted challenging your vision and play “devil’s advocate” are truly interested and perhaps jealous of your courage and determination.  By telling them your well thought out plan, you may be able to sway them toward your side.  Remember, people are watching and secretly hoping that you will succeed.

Naysayers can be a great motivational source because by outside influences saying that you won’t or can’t achieve your goal, makes many entrepreneurs strive harder to prove them wrong.

Germs are known to strength the immune system and when you view naysayers like germs who will strengthen your determination, you will see that your purpose will be greater than any negative words.  We need these type of people in our lives to test the depth of our passion.


Somettalk to the hand - business womanimes there is no way to talk to someone that are “set in their ways” and are unable to see beyond their limit.  In these types of situations, it just best to ignore these types of people to retain your peace of mind.  Surround yourself with like-minded individuals and you will achieve your goals.

A negative person will drain your positive energy and they feed on your reaction and defensiveness, so simply ignore them and leave the room if necessary.


There are going to be times when you are confronted with someone who just isn’t going to get your lifestyle and there is no convincing them otherwise.  It is best to simply focus on your goal instead of wasting valuable time and energy trying to convince them otherwise.  Once you success, that will be enough proof to put any argument and naysayers to rest, as actions have always spoken louder than words.


Image there is a bright light surrounding you that will keep you protected from negativity, like a force field.  Try it; I assure you, this type of imagery works.

Besides imagery, it is important to be secure in what you plan to do and when you do, dealing with negative influences in a positive manner becomes easier.


In the journey of life, you will have to confront a naysayer or two because not everyone is going to believe, support or understand the decisions that are best for you.

You must keep a steady flow of positive energy to be ahead of the doubt that any naysayer may attempt to plant in your brain.

Right now be encouraged to be more powerful and stronger than the fear that is brought about by negative nellies.

Do not listen to fear disguised as negativity and use your energy to focus each day on learning something new and being the best you can be.

Ignore-the-NaysayersLet me know your experiences.  Leave a comment below.

To Your Success

2 Comments on “

  1. There are often people in your life who are going to be a) jealous of your drive and ambition, or b) unhappy with the way their own lives are going. Their negative feelings will almost always cause them to direct their negative vibes in your direction.
    Here is how I – personally – have handled this is the past. First, I listen to what they have to say. Second, I internalize their statements. Third, I shrug my shoulders, laugh, and continue with what makes me happy and successful.
    In short, I laugh off the negative vibes and leave them hanging out there for the Negative Nellies to feed off of. Focusing on negative things that others have to say about you will only drag you down. Move on!

    1. Great advice Ann. Why do we feed our own pity parties? Being able to rise above and laugh off the negative vibes and focus on what and why we are doing something is a skill and a very achievable one for people who don’t feel they can do it. Putting ourselves first is priority (bit like the oxygen mask on the plane!) the only story we know is ours… Cheers Kate

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