Learn the Access Bars® 

Are you interested in taking a Bars® Class and becoming a Bars Practitioner? 

I facilitate Bars® Classes and would love to share this amazing body process with you!  See more on my upcoming classes; you can  message me  to ask about specific dates; or 

...you can HOST ME!  I come to you!

If you'd like to host a class you'll receive a discount on the Bars® class, how can it get better than that!   Message me if you're interested in hosting and we’ll work out how we can play!

What is Access Bars®

The first class in Access Consciousness is Access Bars®. There are 32 points on your head which, when gently touched, effortlessly and easily release all of the thoughts, feelings and emotions that keep you stuck, that keep you repeating the same patterns in your life over and over again. It’s like hitting the delete button on your computer.

Can children learn to run Bars?

Absolutely!  Because children have fewer considerations about what is possible and impossible, they can run the bars with very potent effects and less limitation. Children may be in small bodies, but they are often willing to be larger and more potent than the adults around them.

Have you ever seen a child who commands the attention of the entire room they’re in?

What Happens In The One Day Bars® Class?

  • Learn the 32 Bars points
  • Learn a Powerful Clearing Statement
  • Gift & Receive the Bars twice
  • After completing the class you will be a Certified Bars Practitioner!

Access Bars® is just the beginning – The Access Bars® class is a prerequisite for all Access Consciousness® Core Classes.

Why Learn Access Bars®?

  • Access tools are simple to use and will empower you
  • Easy to incorporate with other modalities
  • Can release limiting beliefs to create change in your life
  • Your family, friends and clients will love it!


$360 for your first bars class 
$180 if repeating the class and for children 16 and 17 years of age
Kids 15 and under are free when attending with a paying adult

Empowering You To Know That You Know.

Access Consciousness is a set of techniques, tools and processes, designed to facilitate more consciousness and in turn empower you to create the life you desire.

Gary Douglas and Dr Dain Heer are the co-creators of Access Consciousness, yet it is far from a structure held in place by two people.

The forward motion and expansion of Access Consciousness come from the questions and participation of people like you - class by class around the world. There is no right or wrong answer; no stupid questions. When you ask a question, it propels you and the world around you into the possibilities and greatness you came here to be. Questions empower you to see what is true for you. This opens the doors to all participants being able to access their own awareness and allows them to receive the change they are seeking.

​There are well over 3000 Facilitators of Access Consciousness worldwide offering private sessions, thousands of classes and workshops on just about every topic that is prevalent in daily life. Simple and so effective, the tools facilitate people of all ages and backgrounds to help remove limitations holding them back from the freedom to live and create a life they truly desire.  

When you choose to change or choose something greater, the world is invited to that change and choice too. It's how you, being you, can truly change the world.