Access Bars @ Work

Would you and your staff benefit from increasing productivity, improving focus, better team communication and creativity, more enthusiasm and improved wellness?

After an Access Bars® session people have become less stressed and anxious, and the mental chatter that often keeps us from being creative and finding solutions reduces or dissipates allowing for more ease and productivity and encourages positive clear thinking.

We come to you and offer mini Access Bars® Sessions in your workplace.

What are The Access Bars®

Access Bars® helps in reducing depression, anxiety, PTSD, trauma from abuse, addictive behaviours, learning difficulties, autism, OCD, ADHD and down syndrome, phobias to name a few areas. It is a body process that can aid in the release of anything not serving from the subconscious, cellular memory, neural pathways, muscle memory and energy field.

32 points on the head which when touched by the practitioner dissipates the electromagnetic charge that gets locked in our brains by emotions, feelings, thoughts or decisions.  [Imagine files on a computer being deleted that don’t serve us anymore, we’re de-fragging our brain!]

Are you interested in finding new ways of increasing the team's health and interaction by providing Access Bars® @ Work sessions to your organisation?

Download this quick view @Work flyer, and then learn more about Access Bars® and review the scientific research. 

Please contact me on 0414 799 467 or via email if this would contribute to improving connection, creativity, and productivity in your organisation. Arrange for your own 'mini session' first and see how much change is created to then consider bringing this transformational tool to your workplace.

Access Bars Can Help With:

More Energy | Unlocking Creativity

Dissipating Stress | Emotional Overwhelm

Find Clarity & Calm | Improve Money Flows

Depression & Anxiety | Phobias

Physical & Mental Trauma

Body Pain | Deeper Sleep

Weight Issues | Relationships

On-site Private Sessions

Access Bars® can be a valuable tool in terms of reducing sick days; increasing productivity; better time management; increasing motivation on the job and so much more.

Did you know: science is now showing that the way we think and feel may have even more influence on how our health is showing up than even the physical aspects of eating and moving.

How would this work?

Visits to your workplace can be arranged on a whole or half day basis with 15 minute sessions being available (longer if requested and acceptable to management).  During a session, the receiver remains fully clothed.  All sessions remain completely confidential.

To run the sessions, a designated area would be required to set up a massage table or portable fold out zero gravity chair (both fold out to approx 180cm long) ensuring maximum benefit to the staff and management with minimum disruption to the working day.

The work place or conference space can benefit greatly by adding this service for staff, employees and employers.

To implement individual Access Bars @ Work sessions in your workplace
please Connect with Kate